
28. read 50 pages of a book you've already started

I have a bookshelf in my living room in my small one-bedroom apartment. It's almost filled to the brim; earlier this year, I bought a 5-shelf bookcase to replace the one with 3 shelves because I was running out of space for my books. Of the books that reside on that shelf, I've probably read less than half of them. I guess I like the idea of reading, rather than reading itself. Of course, it also serves to validate my intellectual side, even if I might not have one to validate.

I'm finding that my attention span for a book keeps diminishing over time. I'm not sure what it is. I wondered about it today and I partly blame the internet with its ever-growing collection of articles, blog posts and opinions about random topics. Anything that takes more than 15 minutes to finish seems like a burden. It truly saddens me that I don't read as often as I want to.

So I've been wanting to read The Fountainhead since I was told it was the most read book in the history of English literature. Some friends also told me that I 'had to read it'. I've attempted to read it before. I read one chapter and I forgot to get back to it. I felt proud of myself today to start all over again.

You know what I realized during those 50 pages? It took me around 2.5 hours to read them (yes, I realize I'm a slow reader. I read sentences a second time if I don't get them or if they amuse me). How long did it take the author to write those 50 pages?

It definitely seems like a great read. Now if only I could finish it. And finish it in a reasonable amount of time.

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