
24. watch a documentary

During the 2008 Cleveland Film Festival, I checked out this great documentary Bomb It! about graffiti around the world and the sociological effects it had on cities. It looked at graffiti in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Sau Paolo and the different styles of graffiti in each city. It was great!

And so I was pretty excited to check out Exit Through the Gift Shop, of which I'd heard lots of good things. And to top it off, it's narrated by Rhys Ifans, who I'm a big fan of. Even though it's about graffiti and street art, it takes a whole other perspective. While Bomb It! focused on street art in general, this one focuses on today's prominent graffiti artists, namely Banksy and Thierry Guetta aka Mr. Brainwash. It was quite brilliant and entertaining. And I love how it changes from a story about these individuals to how art has become so commercial and its meaning and appreciation has evolved. Even though there's speculation about how genuine the documentary really is, it made for great viewing.

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